This hoe sucks for doe. She loves it and smiles doing it so she can get right with her next shot.
0Anonymous 2 years ago
Her dad is dead so now jen is with a guy scott Flinn in Parma ohio. He sells Meth and guns and in 4 months Jennifer lost her teeth. They are all black and jagged shards. She looks like a trainwreck piece of drug shit. She sells guns for people to go murder with. Minors in fact. She ain't even human
0Anonymous 3 years ago
This girl jen criss is a drug dealing hooker from akron ohio. She sucks off her own dad william watkins so she can get more dope. Very sick stuff.
Her dad is dead so now jen is with a guy scott Flinn in Parma ohio. He sells Meth and guns and in 4 months Jennifer lost her teeth. They are all black and jagged shards. She looks like a trainwreck piece of drug shit. She sells guns for people to go murder with. Minors in fact. She ain't even human
This girl jen criss is a drug dealing hooker from akron ohio. She sucks off her own dad william watkins so she can get more dope. Very sick stuff.